THE Enlightenment

Isaiah 2:5 ‘Come, descendants of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the Lord.’


Good morning Church, how wonderful to join together yesterday to be strengthened and have our faith built up, and more importantly to lift up the wonderful name of Jesus Christ. He is worthy of it all.


He is in light. And we can ‘Walk in the light, as He is in the light...’ Isaiah’s call to Israel to walk in the light of the Lord is pertinent to us as a family just now. They experiencd the darkness of disobedience. We feel the enemies attempts to shroud us in darkness through his attacks and accusations. But light always destroys darkness!


For us right now, walking in the light of the Lord means living in the light of His revealed character and promises. His Word of, has we have been hearing, truth over facts. For us right now, we confront the darkness by:

  • Living in the light of God’s goodness: He is not only very good at being very good. He IS actual goodness (Psalm 119:68). He only has good things in store for us, however deep the darkness. We reject any characterisation of God that says otherwise.
  • Living in the light of God as healer: All over the world today, God will perform thousands of miracles. This is what He does Exodus 15:26, Matthew 8:16-17). So we come to Him without fear and ask Him to heal and deliver
  • Living in the light of God’s forever presence: He will never abandon us or let us go. Never take us so far then drop us. ‘Never will I leave you or forsake you’ (Hebrews 13:5). You are engraved on the palm of His hand! (Isaiah 49:14-16).
  • Living in the light of His complete trustworthiness: We have questions, yes. But we choose to trust completely in Him. He is Lord, not me. We don’t have to understand. Read David’s experience of this in Psalm 56. We just look to Him and trust His goodness, power and presence.

So we walk in the light, as He is in the light, and receive from that light all we need for life and serving God. Then we reign in life, and reach the many thousands in this town. The adventure begins!


Be strong Wonder-Church!!

A copy of yesterday’s message will be available soon at


A copy of this week’s Spring Declaration can be found at