The God for all seasons


This week, you are destined to Reign in Life. Not through Life, but IN Life!

This means that whatever state you life is IN right now, God intends you to be winning. You are to Reign over the season, not the season reign over you.

When speaking to God’s rebellious and wayward people, the prophet Isaiah reminded Israel what God wanted to be for them:

He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.’ Isaiah 33:6

God wanted them, and wants us to know today, that the basis of reigning is not about the quality of life we are experiencing right now - the season we are in - but the foundation through which we experience life. The times may change - but we can still reign, proving that God has and is everything we need.  This foundation includes all we need for bad seasons and good, if we remmeber that He is our:

- Salvation: Israel looked to Egypt and other nations for rescue. In bad times we can trust solely in others to help us, and in good seasons we can look to ourselves. But ‘He alone is our rock and our salvation’.

- Wisdom: Isreal relied on the false wisdom of people not devoted to God and his ways. In good seasons and bad we can be tempted to follow the wisdom of this world - wisdom which does not conform to His Word - to seek to remedy our situation. But His wisdom is always proved right and if we follow that, we will not fall.

- Knowledge: Israel responded to the ‘facts’ they saw around them, which led them to make bad  decisions. God’s prophets tried to point them to His Word and promises. Whilst we listen and respond to what we are told and see, we ‘mine’ our data primarily form God’s Word. What He says is the most important information we need in any situation. This knowledge is key.


Today, whatever the season looks like for you, you can Reign in it! It does not have to reign over you. With God’s Word, God’s people, and your faith in Him, this week you will reign!