The Grace to Be
/The more you contemplate the Grace of our God, the more astounded you become.
It’s His Grace which enables us to be - puts us in a position we absolutely do not deserve to be in. A position we have not and cannot ever earn. It is is free gift to us won through Jesus’ shed blood at Calvary. It is amazing!
A lie many Christians believe is that God is openly or secretly disappointed in them, and when they finally meet Him, everyone will see the real picture. They will be understood for who they really are, and suffer humiliation, rejection and judgement before a holy God.
And, knowing ourselves as we do, this has a ring of truth about it. This viewpoint however undermines the astounding power of His Grace. Jesus not only improved our condition. He miraculously transformed it to the point that the Apostle John was able to say:
‘By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgement: because as He is, so also are we in this world’. (1 John 4:17)
Do you understand this? Do you get the enormity of what God did through Jesus? Why do I have confidence that when I meet the judge of all things, it will go well? Because as Jesus is now, this is who I am. In the eyes of the Father, I have been made like Jesus.
If that doesn’t blow my mind, then I need a fresh revelation of Grace. Becuase this is not dependant on me or what I do. But on what He has done (Philippians 3:9). And when will I be like Jesus? When I get to heaven? When I have been through some kind of burning purgatory? No. I am like Jesus IN THIS WORLD!