Adventures for Life
/We have called this year ‘A Disciple’s Adventure’. And it’s been a great start!
We have a team in Kenya feeding 500 children a day and sharing the love of God in a school and orphanage. Continue to pray for Carolyn, Joe and Zoe and the rest of the team as they spread the love of God in Word and Deed.
We heard yesterday that Robin is going to Bulgaria on a missions trip in February, taking the Kingdom to the Romany people who are desperately in need to know they are loved by a good Heavenly Father.
I spoke with someone this week who is a counsellor in a secular location, who engages with the Holy Spirit as she talks so she can hear God’s heart and bring freedom to people.
What’s your Adventure for Life?
You don’t need a profile or a position. This adventure is yours. It may not be in direct mission or evangelism. But it can be, as we heard yesterday, simply letting Jesus live through you wherever you are.
This is why next Monday (4th Feb), we will meet at Richard and Diane’s to pray for our Education System and all those in LGC who work in it. We want to bless them to take the Kingdom of God into our schools, and see it spread.
It’s also why we are holding two meetings for people with a heart to bring the Kingdom through practical acts of love in our City and beyond. On Tuesday 12th, we will meet to hear thoughts, ideas and dreams you have to practically engage with those in need. We will then pray into and think about options before meeting again on Tuesday 26th February.
In 2019 we want to remove the rocks that stop the Holy Spirit flowing out of us. I want LGC to be a secure place of love. Sometimes we need support and love through trials. Sometimes we are the ones supporting.
Always we are disciples of Jesus Christ, living for Him and His Kingdom.