Three pursuits - Love
/When Jesus arrived on our planet, He came to pursue you with His greatest power and asset - Love.
It is a love unlike any other force, indeed unlike any other love that exists or has existed.
There is so much talk of love in our world today. We are encouraged to love and value and respect all people, which we are thankful for. Yet still there is so much despair and pain in our world. Why?
What is the difference between the greatest examples of love in our world, and the love demonstrated by and through Jesus Christ?
I believe the difference is that most love reveals a passion, a feeling or an emotion. The love Christians share in Christ reveals a person. God Himself. 1 John 4:8b - ‘God IS love’.
Because the love we share is God Himself, it has power to transform, overcome ALL obstacles and defeat ALL powers. When John told us of how Jesus washed His disciples feet, it was a wonderful demonstration of how true this is. It shows us that God’s love is:
- Totally unconditional: He knelt before a bunch of people who He knew would shortly desert Him, abandon Him and disown Him. And He humbly washed the feet of one He knew would betray Him to a hideous, brutal death. Yet He washed all their feet. His love for us is not based on performance.
- Totally Selfless: Jesus said that ‘no servant is greater than his master’ (John 13:16). He was obviously the greatest person in that room. But He did not hide behind His position. He did not claim immunity from love because of His status. He was selfless in His love, not thinking of himself. All Christians lead by selfless serving.
- Totally Powerful: John tells us that ‘Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.’ (John 13:3-4). He had power, so He had choice. He chose to love His disciples and us. No one would have blamed Him from withholding His love from us. But He chose to love us. His love smashes through all obsticles.
Here was a small picture of some of the amazing attributes of the love with which God has loved us. Beyond compare. But, a bit later on in John 13, Jesus presents us with a big GULP moment”
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35
Note this is not a suggestion. It is a command. Jesus uses the word ‘must’. How on earth do we do that? This is another key difference to the love of this world and the love of God. It’s humanly impossible to love this way, totally unconditionally, selflessly and powerfully. But it is possible by His Spirit and by His grace. It comes as we walk surrendered to His will and receiving from His presence. We become like Him, and so we can love like Him.
‘All you need is love’ sang The Beatles. They were right! What they didn’t realise was that the love we all needed was the love of God. All it takes is for Christians to begin to love one another, then love the world, with the love of God.
So we pursue love. This week ask God for opportunity to love others as He loved you. And then do it. And watch your world change!