Blood that speaks
/For our Heavenly Father, blood speaks. Abel’s blood spoke to Him of revenge. Jesus’ blood spoke something far, far better.
Yesterday at LGC, we began with encouragement from Psalm 56: ‘I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise’. We exalted His Word over every other voice. Then Eric spoke and wonderfully confirmed that this is what God needed people to understand. And it’s His blood which speaks the highest and greatest Word, confirming and securing our eternal covenant with Father God.
‘... to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel’ (Hebrews 12:24)
The blood shed by Jesus in Gethsemane, as His agony at being selerated from His Father nearly killed Him, signalled the restoration of all things. Adam had rejected the will of God in a garden and lost everything. Jesus embraced the will of God in a garden and recovered it all!
And the blood He shed there, and throughout His Calvary journey, emanating from different parts of his body, speaks of the total victory his blood brings to every part of our lives. Seven times the Gospel writers tell us he lost blood:
- From His brow: In the garden Jesus experienced the pain of separation, rejection and betrayal. His blood brings healing to these broken areas of our lives
- From His back: the horrendous scourging of His back speaks of the healing there is for our whole person, including physical healing (Isaiah 53)
- From His head: the crown of thorns that pierced His head secure our victory over dominions and strongholds which seek to dominate our thinking, holding us in chains.
Eric will pick up the other areas of victory secured by Jesus’ blood next week. But this week we praise His Word, His blood which speaks, telling us we are overcomers and reigners in life.