Following on

John 21:21-22 'When Peter saw him, he asked, "Lord, what about him?" Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me."'

Jesus has a plan for your life.

Have you heard that before?! I think probably yes.

But the power behind the truth of this is liberating. It frees you from other's preconceptions and stops you being held hostage to comparison to others.  All we have to do is respond to Jesus' command: 'Follow me'.

Peter, after being the beneficiary of the world's most renowned act of restoration, couldn't quite give himself to abandon everything to follow Jesus. He couldn't help looking behind and engage in that age old Christian pastime of comparison.

Insecurity fostered by comparison is one of the greatest enemies of destiny. It forces our eyes off Jesus and on to where we perceive our inadequacies, or where jealousy can vie for control. It feeds and sustains our old enemy, the flesh.

God's calling for you is unique and perfectly designed to fulfill you and bring maximum glory to Himself. Whatever another's path looks like is of no concern to you. Even if that path is as outrageous as living forever! Jesus used a bit of holy hyperbole to demonstrate that He can do what He wants with a life He loves. That's His prerogative. The key is that I am faithful in following Him on my path.

My journey may not look like someone else's, or not meet other people's expectations. But rather than worrying about that, celebrate it! You don't have what someone else has because you're not called to their journey. And their journey is no bigger or better than yours.

In the end, your reward will be commensurate with your faithfulness in following, not with size or scale or exposure. So let God be God in the lives of others. You have just got to be you, who He made you, and follow Him on His adventure for you.

Follow on!