Be still and know...


Hey amazing church, it was wonderful to share time in His presence yesterday, to take time to wait and listen to what Holy Spirit was saying to each of us.

Silence can be a bit daunting in our noisy world, and can be rare in the way we do church. Yet in the silence of waiting the Holy Spirit is able to move and minister to hearts. Isaiah 30:15 "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength..." We are seeking to listen and obey His voice as He speaks. I believe that great things were done in hearts. Keep listening to Him this week as He unravels you with His love and grace.

And to sing together of the greatness of Jesus and His love for us was glorious. All the work done in hearts yesterday was sealed at the cross. Where would we be with out it? What a beautiful name it is, the name of Jesus.

Next week something different again. Shaun will be back on guitar but my sister Joy will be leading on the keyboard. She has long had an anointing in facilitating worship so come and lift up His Name once again. I might even preach!

Ladies Connect is today (Monday) at Richard and Diane's, and Men's Connect on Wednesday at a venue to be announced. 

God has made this week for us to encounter and demonstrate His love. Stand firm in your belief in what He has done in and for you, and know their is Living Grace for every situation. You are massively loved...

Dave x