'I am not ashamed of the Gospel'


'... because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last." Romans 1:16-17.


Yesterday at LGC we shared a wonderful morning as Joy Bowman 'guest' led us in exalting the beautiful, wonderful and powerful name of Jesus.  Whatever state of mind we arrive to church in, His presence is guaranteed to realign and refocus us on who He is and what He does and says. Wonderful Jesus!

The above verse is one of my favourites. Paul said it after he announced his intention to go and preach the Gospel in Rome. Rome was the place of greatest influence in their region and it set the culture in the empire. A culture of polytheism (worship of many gods), earthly leaders seen as demigods, and vastly different moral standards to that which Christ preached. Yet with this prospect before him, Paul declared 'I am not ashamed of the Gospel...' 

He knew it would cause offence but he accepted that, because the power of the Gospel was that it transformed soul and spirit and bought children back to their Father. It enabled a miracle which nothing else could achieve. Offence was a price worth paying.

In today's culture we see much we could compare with that day. The work of the church in its vital care for the poor, the marginalised and the needy is a component of this Gospel, but as Paul shows, it's object is Salvation. This is what differentiates us from charities, and we must never loose that.


When the woman poured perfume on Jesus feet (Matthew 26:6-13), she offended the disciples because such a costly offering could have gone to the poor. But she was preparing Jesus and honouring Him for the central object of his mission: His death which would deal with our sin nature and make a way back to Father. Whilst the world may accept our social Gospel, this central aspect of the Gospel may cause offence. But we should not be ashamed or apologise. This is why we exist and what we are empowered to do.

This woman demonstrated that extravagant love for Jesus comes before extravagant love for the world. and this must be our view. Love that not only worships in song, but in honour, fear and obedience to His Word, His nature and the values which sent His Son to the cross. We are not ashamed of this.


Bless you wonderful church. Have a great week encountering and demonstrating His love, powered by His Living Grace. You are loved beyond measure... 



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