Connected by Light
/Good morning wonderful children of the Father. I hope your week will be full of adventure and opportunities to encounter and demonstrate His astounding love.
And the wonder of it all is that He chooses us to participate with Him in this very work. As we heard yesterday as we began a new series in 1 John, we are brought into fellowship - active participation - with one another and with Him through the Holy Spirit (1 John 1:3 & 2 Cor 13:14). We can live life intrinsically connected with Him, hearing and obeying in every aspect of life. Then we reign in life!
And all this despite Jesus being full of light, whilst our background was darkness (1 John 1:5 and John 1:4-5). He came as The Light and The Word into our darkness, and we are now alive because of His pure love, which miraculously makes me acceptable to a perfect Father. We deserved death for our sin, yet we are in fellowship with Him. All because of Jesus. Walk tall this week in the knowledge of who you are through what He has done for you.
Our new Connect Groups kick off this week, with 'The Lords Prayer' group beginning tonight, and 'Seven Deadly Sins' starting on Wednesday. The Walking group begins next Tuesday (23rd May). For more info or to join a group, please email me here.
Finally, a reminder to all to complete there new Living Grace Church standing orders and Gift Aid forms asap. Again, for more info reply here.
Love and blessings amazing people, love perfectly by God, and less perfectly but sincerely, by me. Have a wonderful week...
Dave x