/You were born to influence your world!
In the gift of life, God has imparted to you the power to bring influence.
This is why no life is without significance! From the moment of birth this fact becomes evident! Does a new born baby have influence? You bet! Although the little one has no education, no linguistic ability and is incapable of exercising any authority, it dramatically impacts the domestic scene from day one!
This natural power to influence, inherent in every life, increases through the development of personality, talent and achievement, which is why some are more influential than others. The Duke of Wellington said that Napoleon’s presence on the battlefield was worth forty thousand soldiers! Winston Churchill powerfully influenced the course of history by his strength of leadership in time of crisis!
Very, very few rise to such positions of influence but those who have received the gift of eternal life through Christ possess the potential to influence their world not only for time but for eternity!
You must never underestimate your significance or undermine your power to influence by comparing yourself to others! You are unique! Uniquely gifted to impact your world!
We influence our world by the things we allow to influence us! What flows in to our mind and heart will inevitably flow out in our conversation and conduct!
The city of Santarem in northern Brazil is where two rivers converge. The mighty Amazon and the local river Tapajos flow side by side, clearly defined by their colour. The Amazon is muddy and dark! In contrast the Tapajos clearly reflects the blueness of the sky above!
Two rivers flow in our daily world, seeking to influence us in our lifestyle choices, the perfectly pure river that flows from the Throne of God and the totally polluted river that flows from the kingdom of darkness!
Our influence is governed by which river we choose to swim in!