Drawing from the well
/Yesterday at LGC, Eric continued his series of ‘Changing your world by changing your words’.
He taught us that faith is the natural environment for the follower of Jesus Christ, and faith is the reliable source, rather than the facts we see or the fake news the enemy peddles.
And as Christians, we employ faith through a resource which can change our world, and the world around us:
‘The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life’ (Proverbs 10:11).
There is a well within each Christian which can bring change, and we draw from it and employ it when we speak. It has great power, even to impact our town. It’s so easy to see the issues and problems around us, but we as Christians choose to bring change through blessing: ‘By the blessings of the upright, the city is exalted’ (Proverbs 11:11).
These powerful words should also be spoken over ourselves. One of the greatest hinderences for the church is the Spiritual Inferiority complex so many battle with. It is a curse which stops us fulfilling our destiny. You are significant and have a role in reaching The Many Thousands in this town.
A poor self image is bad; a false self image is worse. Like the Israelites, looking at the promised land, and saying ‘We are like grasshoppers’. Yet God had told them that they were the head and not the tail! They had a false self image.
We are always in trouble when we allow the world, the flesh or the devil to tell us who we are!
We must stop focusing on our condition, and instead focus on our position! We should pray like Elisha prayed for his servant, that God would open our eyes to see what He is doing rather than seeing things from only our natural viewpoint.
Then we can begin to see change in us and around us, as we use our words to change our world.